“They were like great friends. He was always making her laugh, and she was always making him laugh. It just seemed like they were basking in each other’s sunlight all the time.” – Natasha Gregson Wagner

Added 10/26/2020 – Natalie Wood:What Remains Behind has been nominated for best historical/biographical documentary by the Critics Choice Awards.
The Official Website for Natalie Wood
Natalie Wood was one of America’s best known actresses, with nearly sixty films and television roles and multiple awards. Learn more about the woman, actress, and mother.

Congratulations to Natasha on her book “More Than Love : An Intimate Portrait Of My Mother, Natalie Wood” has been named one of Amazon’s Best Non-Fiction Books of the Year So Far in 2020!
Your dad is so proud of you!!
If you have not purchased the book yet, please visit https://www.amazon.com/b/?node=5522566011 and order a copy.
A poignant memoir of Natalie Wood’s glamorous life, unexpected death, and lasting legacy as told by her daughter, Natasha Gregson Wagner
“A waft of gardenia could bring me back to private moments with my mom. Her laugh. Her hugs. Her effervescence. Her cozy nightgowns. Her fragrance made me feel close to her.” – Natasha Gregson Wagner